Join our "Kaukauna Class of 2000" Facebook group
What are you doing now?
Click here to tell us what you're up to
and update your information,
even if you cannot make it to
the Class Reunions.
Why didn't I hear about this by mail?
We sent out information to the address that you were living at during your senior year of high school,
which was most likely your parents' address.
If you don't want additional information sent there, please submit your most current information to us!
Help plan the next reunion
Login to the alumni site and update your information. Remember to click "Learn more about the Alumni Committee" and we will get in touch with you when we start planning.
Login Here!
5 Year Reunion
The 5 year reunion was held at High Cliff State Park.
10 Year Reunion
The 10 year reunion was held at High Cliff Supper Club.
15 Year Reunion
The 15 year reunion was held at Bayorgeon Field and Plan B.